Top cited articles
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6 days*
Time to first decision with review:
75 days*
Acceptance to publication:
21 days*
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Estimating the ratio of fatal to non-fatal overdoses involving all drugs, all opioids, synthetic opioids, heroin or stimulants, USA, 2010-2020
Major trauma among E-Scooter and bicycle users: a nationwide cohort study
Impact of an injury hospital admission on childhood academic performance: a Welsh population-based data linkage study
Motivation and goal-pursuit for injury prevention training in amateur football coaches: a cross-sectional study using the Health Action Process Approach
Prevalence and factors associated with occupational injuries among building construction workers in the Gambia
Examining the relationship between heatwaves and fatal drowning: a case study from Queensland, Australia
Barriers and facilitators to implementation of musculoskeletal injury mitigation programmes for military service members around the world: a scoping review
Regional differences in firearm ownership, storage and use: results from a representative survey of five US states
Implementation of the injury prevention exercise programme Knee Control plus: a cross-sectional study after dissemination efforts within a football district
Mechanisms of traumatic injury by demographic characteristics: an 8-year review of temporal trends from the National Trauma Data Bank
Financial barriers and facilitators to secure firearm and medication storage among veterans with elevated suicide risk: a qualitative study
Potential of artificial intelligence in injury prevention research and practice
Conceptual definition for drowning prevention: a Delphi study
Intimate partner violence and suicide mortality: a cross-sectional study using machine learning and natural language processing of suicide data from 43 states
Sleep characteristics and adolescent physical activity-related injuries in sports clubs, leisure time and schools
Evaluating the impact of skill development for drowning prevention: a relationship-building approach to community engagement
Associations between experiencing violence, owning a firearm for protection and firearm storage: a nationally representative analysis of US caregivers of teens
Burden of fatal drowning in California, 2005-2019
Understanding the circumstances of paediatric fall injuries: a machine learning analysis of NEISS narratives
Development and validation of an intervention package to improve lifejacket wear for drowning prevention among occupational boaters on Lake Albert, Uganda